The EX-Parrot

The interesting adventures of Karl and Bernard. They were once remarkable birds, Norwegian Blues with beautiful plumage but are now passed on...They are shortly to be replaced by slugs. Until then: Their lives through the eyes of the EX-Parrot.

Monday, August 14, 2006

The Ex-Parrots are Squashed

Today in Sunday School Karl and Bernard sat at the same end of the same pew that they always use. The highschoolers, it appears, did not have their own high school class, so they came to the adult class. Well, there was a COMPLETELY EMPTY row in front of Karl and Bernard, but they being the popular and charismatic ex-parrots that they are, EVERYONE wanted to sit next to them. So, Jwannhn climbed over Karl and Bernard (not very gracefully) and plopped down next to Bernard. Then Steinbeck drove his way through and plopped down next to Jwannhn. (Remember that there was an EMPTY row in front of them. Then Arouet tripped over Karl, stomped on Bernard's foot and clambered across Jwannhn and Steinbeck to sit next to Steinbeck. It should be noted that, to his credit, Wassilly went around the other way.


At 6:46 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

So that's what happened to Wassilly!

At 2:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't forget about Cedric (sr.) who sat between steinbeck and jwannhn

At 9:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't you mean Herman?


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