The EX-Parrot

The interesting adventures of Karl and Bernard. They were once remarkable birds, Norwegian Blues with beautiful plumage but are now passed on...They are shortly to be replaced by slugs. Until then: Their lives through the eyes of the EX-Parrot.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

I've got a ferret sticking up my noooose

At least, that was how it felt to Karl and Bernard as they attempted to sleep in a tent this evening. So VERY VERY hard to sleep with a stuffy nose.

Karl : "MAN! I can't pick my nose in here!"

Ah! The joys of sleeping in a tent.

Anyway, After a very very interesting night, Karl woke uncharacteristically early. The sun was shining. The birds were chirping.

"The larks on the wing
The something-or-other's on the thorn
God's in his Heaven
All's right with the world"

That's a poem by someone...probably Robbie Burns....and that's how it felt to Karl at 5:00 in the morning. So, of course, he thought it was time to wake up. Naturally, he woke Bernard up. Bernard was NOT happy...but after a few minutes, they decided to eat.

And that's where they are right now. Eating and thinking deep philosophical thoughts!

Over and out.

-The EX-Parrot


At 12:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The quote is from Robert Browning's "Pippa Passes"

At 12:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In all seriousness, it was breathtakingly beautiful at 5 am! The light was soft, and the birds were singing. God has created a truly wonderful world!

At 3:19 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I'm sure it was. I was trying to ignore the sniffing, mumbling, clock-reading-ignorant person in the tent


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