Karl and Bernard go to the Airport
Karl and Bernard decided to leave the country simultaneously. Are they running from the law? Karl's later experience on that day led him to believe he is. He was nearly disallowed from entering another country. That, however, is beside the point.
Bernard needed to pull an all-nighter, because they would make him sleep on the plane. Karl specializes in all-nighters. If he were paid to do so, he would be a professional all-nighter. He is not paid to do so, which proves that there is no justice in the world. But he helped. Bernard watched Alvin and the Chipmunks while Karl read intellectually stimulating works, such as "Family and Civilization." But Karl would never complain.
Musico-Literary Moment: "If I had a string under my ribs, knotted to you, connecting our frames, I'd be afraid that many a mile would sever the tie, and I would take to bleeding inwardly."
Fortunately the antecedent of this implication is false, because there would be a lot of inward bleeding in the two parrots. But there is no such thing as a bad moment to reference Jane Eyre.